Abdul Majeed, Muhammad Zafar, Imran Rashid, Muhammad Akhlaq Mudassir, Muhammad Shafique, Muhammad Shahzad Afzal, Syed Saqlain Hussain, Babar Hussain Babar, Muhammad Kamran, Mahmood Ul Haasan, Naee, Fiaz, Mubashra Yasin, Naeem Iqbal, Muhammad Ehsan Khan


Sugarcane is one of Pakistan's most important cash crops, particularly in South and Central Punjab. The efficiency of sugar production relies heavily on the sugar recovery percentage, a critical metric for both the industry and farmers. This study includes a comprehensive survey and sample collection of sugarcane across various zones in South and Central Punjab to analyze sugar recovery rates. The results indicated that early-maturing sugarcane varieties (CPF-250, CPF-251 and CP 77-400) have higher sugar contents (12.1 to 12.7 %) than medium and latematuring varieties. Achieving extended crushing periods and maximizing sugar recovery requires a balanced cultivation of early, mid-late, and late-maturing varieties. Therefore, by selecting sugarcane varieties that align with optimal harvest periods, farmers and sugar mill operators can maximize sugar yield and improve economic returns.


Sugarcane sampling, early and late maturing varieties, sugar recovery


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