Key Functions

  • To Assess, monitor and review research programs and research strategies for empowering sugar industry.
  • To Facilitate the Technical and Scientific investigation, and evaluation for the promotion of sugarcane industry
  • To provide training, advice and information concerning any matter relating to the production, harvesting, production and processing of sugar cane.
  • To identify diversification opportunities for the sugar cane industry.
  • The provision of extension and advisory service to all cane farmers.
  • The development of new, pest resistant and high yielding sugar cane varieties.
  • Provide Education,Awareness, and technical assistance in irrigation, drainage and water management.
  • Promote the safe and efficient use of herbicides, pesticides and other agricultural chemicals.
  • To study, monitor and provide technical advice in the control and eradication of pests and diseases that affect sugar cane.

Staff Members

Waqas Raza
M Ehsan Khan