
CoJ-84 was released for commercial cultivation during 2000 for whole Punjab. CoJ-84 due to low sugar and late maturity was banned for commercial cultivation. In spite of ban on its commercial cultivation, it is being grown in Punjab. CoJ-84 is fast growing with excellent ratoon ability. CoJ-84 is susceptible to to red rot and brown rust. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help identify CoJ-84.

1. Leaf Canopy: Semi-Erect with droopy leaves

2. Stalk Color: Green to Pale

3. Internode-Cylindrical with Conidial Root Band


SPF-93 is an un-approved variety but is under commercial cultivation since 2005. SP-93 is very low sugar and never maturing with thick diameter stalk and self-trashing, with fast growing, excellent ratoon ability. SP-93 is resistant to red rot, brown rust, whip smut and pokh- boeng. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help identify SPF-93.

1. Leaf Canopy: Semi-Erect

2. Stem Color- Thick cane

3. Stem Color

4. Internode-Obconnoidal


NSG-59 is an un-approved variety but is under commercial cultivation since 2010. NSG-59 is a low sugar and maturing with medium-thick diameter stalk and self-trashing. NSG-59 is fast growing with excellent ratoon ability. The canopy is very erect. NSG-59 is resistant to red rot, brown rust, whip smut and pokha boeng. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help identify NSG-59.

1. Germination- Erect with droopy leaves

2. Stem Color-Light Greenish to Purple

3. Stem Color- Thick cane

4. Auricle: Long & necrotic


YTFG-236 was released in 2024 and has an extremely high population and early maturing variety. YTFG-236 is a fast germination with erect growth, high tillering ability, better crop stand with noble millable canes, admirable ratooning and self-trashiness. YTFG-236 is resistant to red rot, smut & pokkah boeng and moderately resistant to rust, mosaic diseases and as well as sugarcane borers complex. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help identify YTFG-236.

1. Leaf Canopy-Erect

2. Early crop stage

3. Dewlap-Ligular

4. Stem Straight with nodes and internodes Obconoidal


CPF-253 was released in 2019 and has an extremely high population of small diameter stalks. CPF-253 is an early maturing, suitable for low fertile soils, fast growing, good tillering, the canopy is very erect, and the variety has excellent vigor and stubbling ability. CPF-253 is resistant to red rot, brown rust, whip smut and pokha boeng. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help identify CPF-253.

1. Leaf canopy: Semi Droopy

2. Stem-Cylindrical

3. Internode-Obconnoidal


CPF-252 was released in 2019 and has an extremely high population of small diameter stalks. CPF-252 is good ratooning ability but late maturing. CPF-252 is non-lodging, suitable for Sept. Planation and intercropping. Recommended for harvesting in second fortnight of January. CPF-252 is resistant to red rot, brown rust, whip smut and pokha boeng. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help identify CPF-252.

1. Leaf Canopy-Semi-erect with droopy leaves

2. Stalk Wax –Thick cane tumescent internode

3. Node– Obconoidal root Band

4. Stalk Color- Greenish to yellowish


CPF-251 was released in 2019 and has an extremely high population of small diameter stalks. CPF-251 is early maturing, suitable for low fertile soils, fast growing, good tillering, the canopy is very erect, and the variety has excellent vigor and stubbling ability. CPF-251 is resistant to red rot, brown rust, whip smut and pokha boeing. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help identify CPF-251.

1. Canopy – erect.

2. Stalk Wax – moderate to high amount of wax.

3. Node– Obconoidal root Band

4. Auricle- Prominent

5. Ligule-Deltoid


CPF-250 was released in 2019. The variety is early maturing, due to good tillering and growth it is tolerant to salinity. Moderately resistant to red rot , resistant to smut and rust. Recommend for the whole Punjab. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help identify CPF-250.

1. Canopy – Erect

2. Germination- Erect

3. Auricle: Long, necrotic and prominent

4. Ligule –Arcuate Node-prominent and projected ring


CPF-249 was released in 2016. The variety is medium maturing, due to good tillering and growth it is tolerant to salinity. Moderately resistant to red rot, resistant to smut and rust. Recommend for the whole Punjab. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help identify CPF-249.

1. Leaf Canopy- Semi Erect

2. Dewlap-Ligular

3. Auricle - Short, necrotic and prominent

4. Ligules – Arcuate shape


CPF-248 was released in 2013. CPF-248 produces a high population of medium-size stalks. The variety is medium maturing, good tillering, non-lodging behavior. Recommended for other than riverine areas of the Punjab. The following pictures show different variety characteristics to help in identifying CPF-248.

1. Canopy – Semi Erect

2. Stalk Wax – moderate wax layer, cylindrical shap

3. Node-Conidial Root Band

4. Dewlap – Ligular


CPF-247 was released in 2011. The variety that has a high population of medium- sized stalks with good stubbling ability, medium maturing, fast growing, good tillering, non-lodging, excellent ratooner and responded well to average inputs. Recommended for other than riverine area of the Punjab. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help in identifying CPF-247.

1. Germination- Semi-erect.

2. Leaf Canopy-Erect

3. Node-Tall Root Band

4. Stem Color-Greenish Orientation Semi Zig-Zag Internode - Obconoidal


CPF-246 was released in 2011 and has a high population of medium-sized stalks. This is medium -maturing variety that continues to accumulate sugar throughout the normal harvest season. CPF-246 is non-lodging, good ratooner and responding well in high input conditions. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help in identifying CPF-246.

1. Canopy – Erect.

2. Stalk with– slight with overall purplish appearance

3. Conidial Root Band

4. Auricle-Long, necrotic and prominent

5. Ligule-Crescent Shape


The variety was released in 2002. This variety has a high population of medium-sized stalks with excellent stubbling ability. This is a mid-maturing variety with average ratooning and slightly lodging tendency and resistant to red rot and smut. Recommended for the whole Punjab. The following pictures will show different characteristics to help in identifying SPF-213.

1. Canopy – Erect

2. Stalk Wax – Cocky.

3. Pale Yellow Green

4. Auricle – Long, necrotic

5. Ligule Crescent shape

6.Dewlap –Light


SPF-234 true seed (fuzz) was imported from CPERSUCAR Sao Paulo Brazil. The variety was released in 2002. SPF-234 is a variety that has a high population of medium-sized stalks with excellent stubbling ability. SPF-234 is mid-maturing, good growth, that continues to accumulate sugar throughout the normal harvest season. The variety is susceptible to red rot,and rust, having better rationing-ability. Recommended for the whole Punjab. The following pictures will show eight different characteristics to help in identifying SPF-234.

1. Canopy – erect; slight more erect

2. Stalk Color – pale to greenish.

3. Internode-Cylindrical to concave

4. Ligule-Crescent Shape and Dewlap –Light Green


CPF-237 fuzz was imported from Canal Point and selection was made from original seedling. The variety was release for commercial cultivation during 2000. The variety has an average population of large-diameter stalks with good stubbling ability. CPF-237 is considered to be an early maturing variety. The variety is resistant to red rot, smut, and rust with better ratooning. Recommended for the whole Punjab. T h e variety that continues to accumulate sugar throughout the normal harvest season. The following pictures will show eight different characteristics to help in identifying CPF-237

1. Canopy – Erect

2. Stem –Cylindrical with zig zag orientation

3. Internode-Cylindrical with pinkish color

4. Ligule-Crescent Shape and Dewlap –Light Green

CP-77 400

CP77-400 was imported from ARS-USDA Canal Point Florida USA during 1990. The variety is has an average population of large-diameter stalks with good stubbling ability. CP77-400 is considered to be an early maturing variety. The variety is resistant o red rot, smut, and rust with better ratooning. Recommended for the whole Punjab. The following pictures will show eight different characteristics to help in identifying CP77-400.

1. Leaf Canopy – drooping and spreading.

2. Stalk Wax – moderate wax layer.

3. Node –Constructed root band

4. Auricle slight to moderate in length

5. Ligule-Deltoid

Specific Characters of Varieties HSF-240

HSF-240 was derived from an open pollinated cross of CP-43-33, collected from Habib Sugar Mills Nawab Shah, Sindh Pakistan. HSF-240 was released for commercial cultivation in 2002. The variety has a moderate population of mediumsized stalks with good stubbling ability. HSF-240 is considered to be a mid-maturing
variety with excellent stalk density that provides for superior cane yields. The variety is resistant to red rot, susceptible to whip smut and non-lodging.

1. Leaf Canopy—Semi-droopy

2. Stalk Color light reddish

3. Internode-Cylindrical with Ligule-Crescent Shape

3. Internode-Cylindrical with Ligule-Crescent Shape

4. Dewlap-Deltoid